Acceptance and localization testing

The Mantra team has what it takes to step in and oversee the acceptance testing process, freeing your firm to focus on core competencies and business-critical tasks. We will work with you to establish a rubric of acceptance criteria, and then put the skilled technicians who staff our state-of-the-art testing lab to work determining whether the product meets all of your stringent requirements.

We then provide you with a detailed analysis of our findings, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in the software and, at your request, making recommendations for changes.

  • Determine whether the software is developed as a world-ready product
  • Ensure that the software is positioned to enable efficient and cost-effective localization efforts
  • Double-check that all localized versions of the software work as per the standard requirements
  • Certify that the software meets all accessibility and usability requirements

Logo Compliance and Certification

The Mantra team also offers our clients a comprehensive suite of Logo Compliance and Certification Testing services. Our skilled technicians are trained to assess a wide variety of applications and hardware for logo compliance and certification.